Talks & Seminars


Exploration Series Talk

New Geological Model Unlocks Value of Near Surface Gold Mineralization: Aurex-McQuesten Project, Yukon
Discussion Leader: Paul Grey, Banyan Gold Corp.

When: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"Banyan Gold optioned the Aurex-McQuesten property in 2017. Their re-interpretation of historic work was used to inform a new geological model for gold mineralization in the project area. The model was drill tested in 2018, refined and further tested in 2019, confirming its applicability at the Airstrip Zone. It was also applied to a new area 1 km to the south where a new discovery was made at the "Powerline Zone", which had not been previously discovered due to cover and proximity to competitors claim boundaries..." Read More →

Exploration Series Talk

Science, Experience and Luck: Discovery, Expansion, and Geology of Rockhaven’s Million Ounce Klaza Gold & Silver Deposit, Dawson Gold Belt, Yukon
Discussion Leader: Matt Turner, Rockhaven Resources Ltd.

When: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"The Klaza property is 100% owned by Rockhaven Resources Ltd. and covers an area of 28,700 hectares. It is favourably located within Yukon's Mount Nansen Gold Belt (MNGB), an area that hosts an historical gold mine, rich placer gold deposits and key infrastructure such as road access. Rockhaven’s exploration to date has included 100,000 m of diamond drilling, 24,000 m excavator trenching, extensive soil geochemical surveys, and airborne and ground geophysical surveys..." Read More →

Exploration Series Talk

American Creek West Project: an Unmapped Intrusion and New Mineralized Structures Add to the Precious Metal Story
Discussion Leader: Lucia Theny, Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd.

When: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"The American Creek West Project is located in the Coast Range Mountains ~ 20 km north of the town of Stewart, BC. The property is hosted in Mesozoic volcanic strata with associated intrusive and sedimentary units. Structurally the American Creek West Property is interpreted to reside in the western limb of the northwest plunging American Creek anticline. The anticline is interpreted to be cored by rocks of the Unuk River formation, overlain successively by younger rocks of the Betty Creek formation, which in turn are overlain by the Mount Dillworth formation;..." Read More →

Exploration Series Talk

Georgie River Mine: a forgotten and underestimated piece of B.C.’s Golden Triangle jigsaw
Discussion Leader: Paul Metcalfe, Auramex Resource Corp.

When: Tuesday, December 03, 2019 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"The Georgia River Mine is located 16 km south of Stewart on Portland Canal tidewater in the southern part of B.C.’s Golden Triangle. The immediate area of the mine was previously interpreted as a pendant in the Coast Batholith, but regional studies by the Geological Survey of Canada (1999-2004) showed that it is contiguous with the rest of Stikinia. In the same studies, volcano-sedimentary rocks previously correlated with the Hazelton Group were proposed as correlative with the late Triassic Stuhini Group..." Read More →

Exploration Series Talk

Discovery of a Precious Metals-rich VMS Deposit Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, NWT
Discussion Leader: Dave Webb, Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd

When: Tuesday, November 05, 2019 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"The Archean Yellowknife Greenstone Belt is known for its shear zone-hosted gold deposits, dominated by the Giant Yellowknife Mine (pp 8.1 m oz. Au), Con Mine (pp 6.1 m oz. Au) and the high-grade vein deposit Discovery Mine (pp. 1 m oz. Au). The greenstone belt extends from beneath the waters of Great Slave Lake northwards to beyond the Discovery Mine for over 100 km. Minor volcanic, quartzite and banded iron formation of the Central Slave Cover Group..." Read More →

Exploration Series Talk

Troy Energy Corp’s Yellowknife Gold Project
Discussion Leader: Carl Verley, Troy Energy Corp.

When: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"Located in the Northwest Territories, 75 km north of the past producing Giant and Con mines (combined ~12 million oz Au) and 12 km south of the Discovery Mine (1 million oz Au), Troy Energy’s Yellowknife Gold project consists of a series of classic Archean orogenic gold occurrences that crop out in metasediment-metavolcanic exposures over a strike length of 6 km on its claims and leases..." Read More →

Exploration Series Talk

Artificial intelligence in geology in support of improved exploration and mining outcomes
Discussion Leader: Samuel Cantor, Minerva Intelligence Inc.

When: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad field which encompasses machine learning, knowledge representation, robotics, probability, and a host of other disciplines and sub-disciplines. Fundamental to the successful application of AI in the mining industry is the establishment of clear communication and understanding between human beings using AI and the computers which deploy that AI. Humans need to clearly define what they provide as input to AI systems, and AI systems need to be able to explain in human-intelligible terms what they produce and how they produce it...." Read More →

Public Lectures

Geology of the North Shore by David Cook, P. Eng, FGAC, Geologist

When: Tuesday August 13, 2019, 7:00-8:30 pm
Where: Capilano branch library District of North Vancouver 3045 Highland Blvd, North Vancouver.
Registration: Please register online or by phone 604-987-4471 extension 8175

The natural attributes of Vancouver make it one of the most beautiful cities in North America. Many have chosen it as their home on the basis of its magnificent setting. The jewel in the crown of that setting is the backdrop of spectacular mountains on the North Shore. We tend to think of those mountains as static, but in terms of geological time, the forces that created them are immense and have taken place over periods of time difficult for us to understand in relation to our short time on this Earth.

Exploration Series Talk

Better understanding of published drill intercepts using data analytics
Discussion Leader: Jonathan Longe,

When: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 8:00 am
Where: Discovery Center, Geological Survey of Canada, 1500 - 605 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: Admission is $5 and seating is limited.
Contact: Please pre-register by email

"Inspired by Wayne Hewgill’s popular Drill Tracker newsletter, Jonathan Longe has developed interactive graphs at to compare the drill intercepts released by public companies each morning with previously released intercepts. The presentation looks back at the published results of projects that have been acquired by majors and compares those results with recent discoveries..." Read More →